상.하의 배색과 하의형태가 인상형성에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Clothing Coloration and Ope of Pants/Skirt on Impression Formation

  • 문주영 (경상대학교 생활과학부 의류학전공) ;
  • 강경자 (경상대학교 생활과학부 의류학전공)
  • 발행 : 2003.01.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of clothing coloring and type of pants/skirt as clothing cues on impression of college female students. The experimental materials developed for this study are a set of stimuli and response scales. Thirty two color pictures of various combinations of colors for shirt, and colors and type of pants/skirt were manipulated on computer drawing. For visual evaluation of women's casual wears about colors and type, 7-point scales were designed. The subjects consist of 192 female and male undergraduate students in Chinju city. The results of this study can be summaried as follow: As analyzing the impression of female figure by the color of shirt and the color and type of pants/skirt, five factors including appearance valuation, concentration of attention, clearness, stability, and activity were found to be important. Color of shirt have significant effects on appearance valuation, concentration of attention, clearness, stability, and activity. Color of pants and shirt also have significant effects on all five factors. Especially, they strongest predictors for stability and activity. Type of pants/skirt significantly effects on concentration of attention and activity. In the effects of interactions between each variable, the combination of pants colors and type of pants/skirt had significant effects on appearance valuation, stability factors. Also shirt and pants colors had an significant effects on appearance valuation, stability, and activity. But in the impression formation of concentration of attention and clearness, only the combination of shirt colors and pants forms was more significant.



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