Trace Metals of Ambient TSP in Daegu Area

대구지역 총 부유분진중 중금속

  • 이찬형 (대구광역시 보건환경연구원)
  • Published : 2003.03.01


This study was carried out to characterize the behavior and sources of particulate trace metal in Daegu city. TSP (Total Suspended Particulate matter) was collected by filters on High Volume Air Sampler from the four areal (reference, residential, commercial, industrial area). The moult were analyzed by AAS after preliminary treatment. The average centration trend of trace metals contained in TSP was shown as follows : Fe > Cu > Pb > Mn > Ni > Cr > Cd. The trace metals showed the highest concentration in the industrial area. This study showed the seasonal variation of trace metals. Fe and Mn showed high concentration in spring, whereas Cr, Ni, Cd and Pb showed high concentration in winter. Also this study showed the regional variation of trace metals. The order of the average concentration of trace metals was : industrial > commercial > residential > reference area. Using Mn as a reference element, the enrichment factor analysis were used for identifying the trace element contributors. The enrichment factors of Cr, Fe < 10 were considered to have a significant dust and soil source and termed nonenriched. Pb, Cd, Cu >>10 were enriched and had a significant fraction which was contributed by anthropogenic sources.



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