Food and Agriculture Statistics of the UN-FAO

  • Kim, Joo-Hwan (Department of Statistics and Information Science, Dongguk University)
  • Published : 2003.04.01


Quality in agriculture statistics at the international level is very important to all countries in the world. We investigate international organizations which produce worldwide agricultural statistics. The UN-FAO is one of the most important organization in agricultural statistics fields. We first introduce the Statistics division in FAO and present some considerations like production, reliability, quality of the agriculture data from my own experience as a consultant in FAO and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Korea.



  1. 주이탈리아 농무관 보고서 FAO 기능 다양화와 우리의 대응방안 김경규
  2. 농업통계의 품질 김주환
  3. 농림부 홈페이지 농림부
  4. 유엔식량농업기구 홈페이지 유엔식량농업기구
  5. FAO요람 FAO
  6. Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics 18th Session Development of Agribusiness Statistics and Information System, Agenda Item 9 FAO
  7. Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics 18th Session Using Statistical Frameworks in Improving the Agricultural Statistical Service, Agenda Item 12 FAO
  8. OECD Key Publications Catalogue OECD
  9. CAESAR Conference on Agricultural and Environmental Statistical Applications in Rome Standards for official statistics Robin Slater
  10. CAESAR Conference on Agricultural and Environmental Statistical Applications in Rome Quality in Agriculture statistics Ulf Jorner;Fred Vogel