가정생활 정보화 콘텐츠 구성과 전문 직업 개발을 위한 연구 : 생활과학 전공자의 정보화 요구 실태분석을 통하여

Research on the Contents Construction for the Information-oriented Family Life and Development of Professional Occupations : Based on the Analysis of the Present Condition of Information Needs among the Human Ecology Majors

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


This study is aimed at sowing two purposes. The first is to analyze the real condition and demand of profession development from the human ecology majors. The second is to develop necessary methods in which ordinary people can collect necessary information about family life. Related questionnaire was distributed to 147 the human ecology majors, and analysis was performed on the several web sites providing with information related to family life. Web sites such as“www.yahoo.com”and“www.naver.com”were included in the analysis. Questionnaire consisted of questions about whether the students majoring in the human ecology were familiar with the information-related terms or futuristics-related books, and whether they have ever taken the related courses in college. The results of analysis are as follows: First, analysis shows that the present level of the human ecology majors' information orientation and networking experiences is extremely low. Secondly, according to the analysis on whether they have optimistic or pessimistic attitude toward the contemporay informatized society, the human ecology majors have rather optimistic attitude in group while having pessimistic one individually. As to their response to the question about whether informatized society is connected with industrial society or not, the human ecology majors are divided in neatly equal ratio. Thirdly, analysis of the human ecology majors' understanding of profession relevant to their major indicates that they have high level of perception and information about the professions of fashion designing, traditional garment designing, nutrition counselling or consumer counselling. On the other hand, they are not familiar with the information about professions such as professional QR Programming, eating habit-related information business and family welfare. Lastly, level of web sites supplying information about family life is fragmentary. Especially, probe into the directories providing with necessary information of family life subdivided into special areal of life shows that they lack systematic organization making more convenient consumer use.



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