- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.8 Towards fuzzy differential calculus;Part Ⅰ:Integration of fuzzy mappings class of second-order D.Dubois;H.Prade
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.24 Fuzzy differential equations O.Kaleva
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.35 The Cauchy problem for fuzzy differential equations O.Kaleva
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.72 Existence of solutions of fuzzy integral equations in Banach spaces J.Y.Park;Y.C.Kwun;J.U.Jeong
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.110 The approximate solutions of fuzzy functional integro-differential equation J.Y.Park;Y.S.Lee;J.U.Jeong
- Indian J. pure appl. Math v.31 no.2 The existence of solutions for fuzzy differential equations with infinite delays J.Y.Park;Y.S.Lee;H.M.Kim
- J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.91 Differentials of fuzzy functions M.L.Puri;D.A.Ralescu
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.24 On the fuzzy initial value problem S.Seikkala
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.64 On some fuzzy functional equations P.V.Subrahmanyam;S.K.Sudarsanam
- J. Fuzzy Math v.5 no.3 An existence theorem for a fuzzy functional integral equation P.V.Subrahmanyam;S.K.Sudarsanam
- Inform and Control v.8 Fuzzy sets L.A.Zadeh