- 수학사대전 김용운;김용국
- 기하학의 역사적 배경과 발달 이종우
- 대한수학교육학회지 학교수학 v.1 no.1 중학교 수학에서 평행공리의 의미 최영기
- Euclid - The Creation of Mathematics Artmann,B.
- 수리철학 Barker,S.F.;이종권(역)
- Mathematics News Letter v.3 no.5 The development of elementary geometry Buchanan,H.E.
- International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology v.33 no.4 A single instance of the Pythagorean theorem implies the parallel postulate Dobbs,D.E.
- 수학사 Eves,H.W.;이우영(역);신항균(역)
- 수학의 기초와 기본 개념 Eves,H.W.;허민(역);오혜영(역)
- Insight into modern mathematics Origins and Development of Concepts of Geometry Gould,S.H.
- The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements v.1 Heath,T.L.
- 수학의 확실성 Kline,M.;박세희(역)
- Euclid's Window Mlodinow,L.
- American Mathematical Monthly v.27 no.1 History of the parallel postulate Lewis,F.P.
- 어떻게 문제를 풀 것인가 Polya,G;우정호(역)
- Patterns of Plausible Inference Polya,G.
- Mathematics News Letter v.4 no.7 Euclid and infinity Sanders,S.T.
- Mathematics Magazine v.45 no.5 The triangle area formula implies the parallel postulate Shene,C.K.
- International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology v.32 no.2 The Pythagorean theorem and the Euclidean parallel postulate Tong,J.C.