UDC 지리.전기.역사류의 특성과 KDC 에서의 적용 방안

An Analysis of Geography, Biography and History Class in UDC and Some Suggestions on their Applicable Principles into KDC

  • 이창수 (경북대학교 사회과학대학 문헌정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


UDC는 UDCC의 설립을 계기로 전자판의 MRF를 중심으로 매년 추가 및 개정작업을 거듭 해왔다. 이 논문은 UDC의 지리ㆍ전기ㆍ역사류와 그와 밀접하게 관련이 있는 장소 및 시의 공통보조표를 중심으로 변천과정을 살펴보고, 최근판을 대상으로 그 전개상황과 특성을 분석하였다. 이러한 분석의 결과를 바탕으로 KDC의 역사류 개정에 참고가 될 수 있도록 지역별 역사의 전개에 있어서 조합식의 원리를 확대 적용하고, 계통지리학의 자연지리학과 인문지리학을 함께 모아 배정하며, 지역구분표의 확장과 시대구분표의 도입 방안을 제시하였다.

The core version of UDC(Universal Decimal Classification) is available in an electronic form called MRF(Master Reference File) which supports the maintenance of the quality of the scheme as a working tool for the UDCC(UDC Consortium) by annual reviewing its content and initiating revisions and extensions. In this paper, we discuss outcomes of our in-depth analysis of the geography, biography and history disciplines in UDC focused on the its evolutions and characteristics, including the common auxiliaries of place, the common auxiliaries of time and the common auxiliaries of race, ethnic grouping and nationality. Based on the in-depth analysis, we suggested some ideas which can be applied into the history class of KDC(Korean Decimal Classification). In particular, its principle of combination methods in the history of individual regions, the way of its assignment of physical geography and human geography in the same division, the possibilities of the extension of the table of geographical division and the adaptation of the table of chronological division in KDC.



  1. Universal Decimal Classification: Theory and Practice Bose, H.
  2. Universal Decimal Classification (3rd abridged English ed.) British Standards Institution
  3. Universal Decimal Classification: Auxiliary signs and subdivisions (except those of place) (2nd English Full Edition) British Standards Institution
  4. Universal Decimal Classification: UDC 9, Geography, Biography, History. (English full Edition) (4th international ed.) British Standards Institution
  5. Universal Decimal Classification.( Pocket English Edition) British Standards Institution
  6. Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index (17th ed.) v.2 (rev.) Dewey, Melvil
  7. The Subject Approach to Information (5th ed.) Foskett, A. C.
  8. Herald of Library Science v.22 no.1;2 Classification Schemes According to the Universal Decimal Classification, Library of Congress Classification, and the Association of American Geographers Classification Gunapala, M. A.
  9. The Future of Classification Marcella, Rita;Maltby, Arthur(ed.)
  10. The Universal Decimal Classification: a guide to its use McIlwaine, I. C.
  11. The Oxford English Dictionary (2nd ed.)
  12. Universal Decimal Classification Consortium Home page
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  15. 國際十進分類法. 日本語中間版 第3版
  16. 人文地理學原論 吳洪晳
  17. 圖書館 · 情報學硏究 v.1 國際十進分類法의 起源과 發展過程 李昌洙
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  19. 韓國十進分類法 第4版 韓國圖書館協會 分類委員會(編)