- 박사학위논문, 연세대학교 대학원 문헌정보학과 RDF를 이용한 메타데이터 통합에 관한 연구 김이겸
- 석사학위논문, 연세대학교 대학원 문헌정보학과 온톨로지의 의미정보를 이용한 RDF 스키마 생성에 관한 연구 김이란
- 정보관리연구 v.30 네트워크자원과 메타데이터 김태수
- 메타데이터를 이용한 도서종합목록 구축에 관한 연구 김태수;김이겸
- 디지털 정보표현을 위한 메타데이터 표준개발에 관한 연구 김태수;김이겸
- 메타데이터의 형식과 구조 문헌정보처리연구회
- 최종연구보고서: 메타데이터 레지스트리, 데이터 요소 및 디지털 도서관 포준화 연구 백두권 (외)
- Metadata: an overview Cathro, W.
- D-Library Magazine v.6 no.1 Mapping and converting essential Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata into MARC21 and Dublin Core: towards an alternative to the FGDC clearinghouse Chanldler, A.;Foley, D.;Hafez, A.M.
- Report on the testing and analysis of an investigation into the comparative efficiency of indexing systems Cleverdon, C.W.
- Metadata in a nutshell Day, M.
- DCMI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) : was Dublin Core metadata designed to be used only to described digital and Web-based resources? DCMI
- Journal of Documentation v.54 no.2 Metadata: a current view of practice and issues Dempsey, L.;Heery, R. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000007164
- Museum information standards Diffuse
- Encoded archival description : context, theory, and case studies Dooley, J. M. (Ed.)
- D-Lib Magazine v.8 no.4 Metadata principles and practicalities Duval, E. (et al.)
- A metadata registry for the semantic web Heery, R.;Wagner, H.
- D-Lib Magazine v.8 no.5 CORC- Cooperative Online Resource Catalog Hickey, T.
- Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing FOLDOC
- Cataloging and Classification Quarterly v.32 no.1 XML and MARC : which in "right"? Johnson, B. C.
- Expressing qualified Dublin Core in RDF/XML Kokkkelink, S.;Schwanzl, R.
- Dublin Core/MARC/GILS crosswalk Library of Congress
- MARC to Dublin Core crosswalk Library of Congress
- The nature of the NIDR challenge. (CNI White Paper): Chapter 1 Lynch, C.(et al.)
- Extending MARC for bibliographic control in the web environment: challenges and alternatives McCallum, S.
- Encoded archival description: the development of an encoding standard for archival finding aids;Encoded archival description: context, theory, and case studies Pitti, D. V.;J. M. Dooley (ed.)
- Data Warehousing Dictionary SAS
- Metadata: the missing link Sherman, R. P.
- EAD application guidelines for (version 1.0) : EAD crosswalks Society of American Archivists
- Metadata education : what is metadata? Spatial Data & Visualization Center(SDVC), U. of Wyoming
- Information retrieval experiment The Cranfield test Sparck Jones, K.;K. Sparck Jones(ed.)
- Issues in crosswaling content metadata standards St. Pierre, M.;LaPlant, W. P., JR.
- Library Journal Net Connect no.Summer XML : libraries' strategic opportunity Miller, D. R.
- TEI guidelines for electronic text encoding and interchange : historical background. [n.d.]
- A review of metadata : a survey of current resource description formats UKOLN Metadata Group
- RDF Primer W3C RDF Core Working Group
- DCMI Open Metadata Registry purpose and scope : phase 1 Wagner, H.;Heery, R.
- D-Lib Magazine Metadata : the foundations of resource description Weibel, S.
- The 4th Dublin Core Metadata Workshop Report : DC-4 Weibel, S.;Iannella, R.;Cathro, W.