전자상거래의 효율적 관리와 활성화 방안

An Effective Management and Activation Plan of e-Commerce

  • 발행 : 2003.11.01


There is a big change in Electronic Commerce. With little or no profit projected for the foreseeable future with the dotcom companies, Internet venture capitalists are looking for new business models. They are now turning to B to B Electronic Commerce. It is expected that B to B Electronic Commerce will be more active than B to C in the very near future. In the future B to B Electronic Commerce will move to include collaborative Electronic Commerce which includes product development, engineering, material procurement, and management. Even though the solution to this multidimensioal and complicated process may take some time, a total solution to this will dramatically change the landscape of Electronic Commerce. Thus the various corporations must work together to find the total solution that will build this infrastructure.



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