글 없는 그림책과 이야기 그림책의 유아와 어머니의 언어적 상호작용 전략 및 유형 비교

A Comparison between Wordless and Narrative Picture Book of Mother-Child Verbal Interaction Strategy and Type

  • 한유진 (나사렛대학교 아동학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


The purpose of this study was to explore the difference mother-child verbal interaction between wordless and narrative picture book. Forty-two 4-year-old middle class children(21 girls and 21 boys) and their mothers were observed in their home. Major findings were as follows: 1) Mothers' verbal interaction strategies shows difference according to the genre of the book. Mothers used more descriptive statement, descriptive questions, inferential statements, evaluative statements and elaborative feedback when sharing the wordless book than the narrative book. 2) Children differently interact when reading picture books of different genres. Children used more descriptive statements, inferential statements and elaborative feedback. 3) Compared with the narrative picture boot mother and child engaged in more turn-taking when reading the wordless picture book. 4) While the proportion of collaborative type was higher when reading the wordless boot the proportion of passive type was higher when the narrative book.



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