Premarital Preparation Education Program based on the Integrated Approach Family Relation and Family Resource Management:for Happy Marital Life

가족 및 관리의 통합적 접근에 기반한 결혼준비교육 프로그램: 행복한 부부생활을 위한 결혼준비교육 프로그램

  • Published : 2003.06.01


The purpose of this study is to develop and to evaluate the premarital preparation education program based on the integrated approach of family relation and resource management to attempt to reduce marital distress. Using a combination of previous premarital education program and survey result of educational need, it is consisted of 4 sessions (session 1: Meaning and expectation of the marriage, session 2: Couple Communication, session 3: Love and Sexuality, session 4: Family Life Planning) The result of the evaluation, the efficiency of this premarital preparation program was proved. In the 11 couples evaluation data, those who had taken premarital education program were more likely to satisfied program and more likely to invite the others to join this program. When asked what content areas were most helpful, the two top ranking went to the Couple Communication (41.9% rated as helpful), and Family Life Planning (35.5% rated as helpful).



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