향수 광고에서 보여지는 신체 이미지 및 패션 연구

The Study of Body Characteristics and Fashion in Fragrance Advertising

  • 발행 : 2003.11.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate ideal body image and clothing style through the analysis of models portrayed in fragrance advertisement that is the representative goods showing the fashion brand image. For this study, 120 perfume advertisements appeared in GQ and Vogue magazines issued in 2002 were selected. The models' characteristics portrayed in advertisement are categorized with role relationship, race, body exposure and clothing styles. The results are as follows. 1. Fragrance advertisements most commonly depict a single model portraying narcissism, and later then most common are advertisements both male and female model in a sexual relationship. 2. The analysis of models' race shows racism toward Asian models and Afro- American models. White models are main characters in fragrance advertisements more often than other races, and in mixed-ethnic ads, whites typically outnumbered minorities. This shows currently aesthetic stereotypes, that is, white ideology still exists. 3. The results of models' body exposure are showing nudism with partially clad or nude. This shows the eroticism of male and female. 4. The highest portion of clothing style appeared in fragrance advertisement were casual wear for male model and dressy formal wear for female models, which respects current fashion trends.



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