A Study on the Development for the Real Estate Appraisal Information System

부동산 감정평가정보체계 구축을 위한 기초적 연구

  • Published : 2003.10.01


As development of Information Technology and Internet are available, many industries are creating a lot of values through extension from physical space to virtual reality. However, use of Information Technology and Internet in real estate appraisal is unprepared. As a result, There is necessity of appraisal information system development based on GIS and Internet for pratical use of Information Technology. Therefore, in this study, presented development model which present a basic design of appraisal information system to fulfill information request in appraisal and use GIS and Internet.



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  3. 감정평가 v.46 감정평가정보체계 구축의 기본방향과 과제 이재우
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  6. 지리학연구 v.35 no.2 부동산 연구에서 GIS활용을 위한 기초적 방안 연구 황철수;이지영
  7. 감정평가논집 v.7 감정평가용 GIS활용도 제고를 위한 속성정보 데이타베이스의 구축 및 Network의 발전 방향 경응수
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