- 기존 논의들의비판적 정리 기술과 사회의 상호작용 송위진
- 구조와 일상의 과학사회학 과학기술과 한국사회 윤정로
- 한국문헌정보학회지 v.32 no.4 디지털 라이브러리 모형에 관한 연구 이창렬
- 정보관리학회지 v.19 no.4 디지털도서관과 지식관리시스템의 비교 분석을 통한 지식관리 통합모형 구현 최희윤
- 한국문헌정보학회지 v.30 no.3 국가디지털도서관 구축계획에 관한 연구 한상완(등)
- 한국문헌정보학회지 v.30 no.4 디지털도서관의 운영에 관한 연구 홍현진
- ARIST v.30 Social Informatics of Digital Library Use and Infrastructure Bishop, Ann Peterson;Susan Leigh Star
- CMC Magazine v.3 no.2 Shaping and Being Shaped Chandler, Daniel
- Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Socio-Technical Networks of Large, Post-Implementation Web Information Systems: Tracing Effects and Influences Eschenfelder, Kristin R.;Lynne C. Chase
- Handbook of New Media The Social Construction of Technology in Studies of the Workplace Jackson, Michele;Marshall Scott Poole;Tim Kuhn;Lievrouw(ed.);Livingstone(ed.)
- Informatics and Distributed Learning Kling, Rob;Noriko Hara
- JASIST v.54 no.1 A Bit More to It: Scholarly Communication Forums as Socio-Technical Intaction Networks Kling, Rob;Geoffrey McKim;Adam King
- Scientific Collaboratiories as Socio-Technical Interaction Networks: A Theoretical Approach Kling, Rob;Geoffrey McKim;Joanna Fortuna;Adam King
- Learning from Social Informatics: Information and Communication Technologies in Human Contexts Kling, Rob(et. al.)
- The Information Society v.16 Learning about Information Technologies and Social Change: The Contribution of Social Informatics Kling, Rob
- D-Lib Magazine v.5 no.1 What is Social Informatics and Why does it matter? Kling, Rob
- AMCIS 2000 Socio-Techninal Networks: Emerging Issues, Conceptual Advances and Empirical Findings Lamb, Roberta;Steve Sawyer;Rob Kling
- Informing Science v.3 no.2 Social Informatics in the Information Sciences: Current Activities and Emerging Directions Sawyer, Steve;Howard Rosenbaum
- UCLA-NSF Social Aspects of Digital Libraries Workshop Social Aspects of Digital Libraries.Invitational workshop held at UCLA
- Actor-Network Theory Knowledge Work, and Digital Libraries. Research Proposal Van House, Nancy
- CLIR Issues no.4 What are Digital Libraries? Waters, Donald J.
- Research Policy v.25 What is the Social Shaping of Technology? Williams, Robin;David Edge