패스트푸드점에서 대학생들의 행동의도에 미치는 음식서비스 불평처리의 영향 평가

Measuring the Effect of Foodservice Related Complaint Handling on University Students' Behavioral Intent in Fast Food Restaurant

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


The aim of this study was to test the behavioral intent-based model of the foodservice related complaint handling. Accordingly, this study examined the effects of complaint handling on the university students' behaviort based on the word-of-mouth intent and repurchase intent. The findings from this study were as follows. KMO and Bartlett's test statistics showed the data fit factor analysis. The factor loadings, eigenvalues, % of variance, and communalities showed that the convergent validity was supported, the average variance extracted estimates and shared variance showed that the discriminant validity is supported, and composite alpha showed that the internal consistency was supported. It was found that some of main effects on the word-of-mouth intent and the repurchase intent were significant. It was found that some of interactional effects of the complaint type, the degree of correction effort, and the satisfaction with the complaint handling were significant. Overall, the results provide some insights into the types of foodservice related complaint handling strategies or the tactics that can be effectively employed by operators who manage complaint handling for customers dining at fast food restaurants.



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