Automatic Quadrilateral Element Mesh Generation Using Boundary Normal Offsetting In Various Two Dimensional Objects

다양한 2차원 형상에서의 외부 경계 절점 오프셋 방법을 이용한 자동 사각 요소 및 요소망 생성

  • 김도헌 (한양대학교 기계설계학과) ;
  • 양현익 (한양대학교 기계정보경영공학부)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


In two dimensional mechanical design analysis, quadrilateral element mesh is preferred because it provides more accurate result than triangular element mesh. However, automation of quadrilateral element mesh generation is much more complex because of its geometrical complexities. In this study, an automatic quadrilateral element mesh generation algorithm based on the boundary normal offsetting method and the boundary decomposition method is developed. In so doing, nodes are automatically placed using the boundary normal offsetting method and the decomposition method is applied to decompose the designed domain into a set of convex subdomains. The generated elements are improved by relocation of the existing nodes based on the four criteria - uniformity, aspect ratio, skewness and taper degree. The developed algorithm requires minimal user inputs such as boundary data and the distance between nodes.



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