인터넷 쇼핑몰 이용자의 고객만족이 신뢰, 몰입, 고객충성행위에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Internet Shopping Mall User's Customer Satisfaction on Trust, Commitment, and Customer Loyalty Behaviors

  • 박준철 (대구사이버대학교 e경영학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.30


This paper examines internet shopping mall user's customer satisfaction and their consequent attitude and customer loyalty behaviors. For this purpose, internet shopping mall user's customer satisfaction is proposed to affect trust, and commitment, and consequently to influence customer loyalty behaviors. This study, which used data from customers of internet shopping malls, showed satisfactory data-fit of the proposed model and supported five of the six research hypotheses. The empirical results indicated that customer satisfaction take significant effect on trust, and commitment, and the trust and commitment in turn have strong influence on customer's loyalty behaviors. It was confirmed that both trust and commitment variables are effective mediators linking internet shopping mall user's customer satisfaction and their loyalty behaviors.



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