The Effect of the Privatization and Competitiveness on Perceived Mobile Telecommunication Service Quality

민영화, 경쟁도입 및 경쟁심화가 지각된 이동통신 서비스품질에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구

  • 박기남 (동의대학교 경영정보.인터넷비즈니스학부)
  • Published : 2003.06.30


Economists have advocated that the privatization and market competitiveness improve the firm's productivity and eventually its service quality. However, the previous researches did not provide the empirical results enough to prove that the privatization and competitiveness do improve the service quality. In this paper, we conducted an empirical research to find whether the privatization and competition induces the quality of service. The mobile telecommunication industry was chosen since it went through bringing the privatization and increasing the competition along with a high attention. We found that the privatization and competition itself does not guarantee the quality of mobile telecommunication service. It is the intensity of competition that improves the mobile telecommunication service quality. The service quality depends mainly on the competitor's competence, i.e. the intensity of competition rather than the competition itself. In sum, when we want to improve the service quality as well as the productivity, we had better increase the intensity of competition by allowing many new strong entries.



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