- 방약합편 염태환(역편)
- Int J Cancer. v.102 no.3 Ganoderma lucidum extract induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in MCF-7 human breast cancer cell Hu H.;Ahn N.S.;Yang X.;Lee Y.S.;Kang K.S.
- Cancer Res. v.15;56 no.4 Chemopreventive efficacy of arylalkyl isothiocyanates and N-acetylcysteine for lung tumorigenesis in Fischer rats F. L. Chung;G. Kelloff;V. Steele;B. Pittman;E. Pittman;D. Jiao;J. Rigotty;C. I.;Choi, A;Rivenson.
- Carcinogenesis. v.17 no.4 Metabolism of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1- butanone (NNK) by human cytochrome P450 1A2 and its inhibition by phenethyl isothiocyanate T. J. Smith;Z. Guo;F. P. Guengerich;C. S. Yang.
- Biofactors. v.13 no.1-4 Antiplatelet and anticancer isothiocyanates in Japanese domestic horseradish, wasabi Y. Morimitsu;K. Hayashi;Y. Nakagawa;F. Horio;K. Uchida;T. Osawa.
- J Agric Food Chem. v.48 no.2 Separation and purification of anthocyanins by high-speed countercurrent chromatography and screening for antioxidant activity A. Degenhardt;H. Knapp;P. Winterhalter.
- Free Radic Res. The antioxidant activity of regularly consumed fruit and vegetables reflects their phenolic and vitamin C composition A. R. Proteggente;A. S. Pannala;G. Paganga;L. Van Buren;E. Wagner;S. Wiseman;F. Van De Put;C. Dacombe;C. A. Rice-Evans.
- Free Radic Res. v.25 no.1 Are whole extracts and purified glucosinolates from cruciferous vegetables antioxidants? Plumb GW;Lambert N;Chambers SJ;Wanigatunga S;Heaney RK;Plumb JA;Aruoma OI;Halliwell B;Miller NJ;Williamson G.
- Nature v.26 Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical Blois, MS.
- Kor. J. Pharmacogn. v.28 no.4 Hepatoprotective effect of extracts and phenolic compound from marine algae in bromobenzene-treated Rats Jong-Cheol Park;Jae-Sue Choi;Sang-Ho Song;Myeong-Rak Choi;Kwang-Young Kim;Jong-won Choi.
- Korean J Nutrition v.27 no.10 Effects of korean Green Tea, Oolong Tea and Black Tea Beverage on the antioxidative detoxification in Rat Poisoned with Cadmium Yeon-Hee Yoon;Soon-Jae Rhee
- Kor. J. Pharmacogn. v.23 no.2 The effect of Scoparone on the Hepatic Bromobenzene metabolizing enzyme system in Rats Eun Ju Kim;Chung Kyu Lee;Jong Won Choi
- Journal of Ethnopharmacology v.85 Anti-oxidant activities of the extracts from the herbs of Artemisia apiacea Kyoung Soon Kim;Sang hyun Lee;Yeon Sil Lee;Sang Hoon Jung;Youmie Park;Kuk Hyun Shin;Bak-Kwang Kim
- Int J Cancer v.97 no.4 Dietary factors and gastric cancer in Korea: a case-control study Kim HJ;Chang WK;Kim MK;Lee SS;Choi
- Anal. Biochem. v.95 Assay for lipid peroxides in animal tissues by thiobarbituric acid reaction Ohkawa,H.;Ohishi, N.;Yaki, K.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.244 The reaction of rat liver xanthine oxidase: Conversion in vitro of the enzyme activity from dehydrogenase (Type D) to oxidase (Type O) Stripe. F.;Della Corte. E.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.55 The colorimetric estimarion of formaldehyde by means of the hentisch reaction Nash. T.
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.31 Multiple drug metabolism: p-Nitoroanisole reversal of acetone enhanced aniline hydroxylation Bidlack. W. R.;Lowry. G. L.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.249 The first step in mercapturate acid formation Habig. W. H.;Pabist. M. J.;Jakoby. W. B.
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.31 Spectrophotometric assay for mammalian cytosolic epoxide hydrolase using trans-stilbeneoxide as the substrate Hasegawa. L. S.;Hammock. B. D.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.193 Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent Lowry. O. H.;Rodebrough. N. J.;Farr. A. L.;Randall. R. J.
- Environmental Health Perspectives no.Sup. 5 Lipid Peroxidation Products and Antioxidants in Human Disease Francisco J. Romero;Francisco Bosch-Morell;Mar a J. Romero;Enrique J. Jareo; Bel n Romero;Nuria Mar n;Joaquin Rom
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.34 Inhibition of purifed rat liver glutathion S-transferase isozymes by diuretic drugs J T Ahokas;F A Nicholas;P J Ravenschoft;B T Emmerson