아파트 옥외공간의 조경 변천에 관한 연구 - 법규와 법조문의 변화를 중심으로 -

The History of Transformation of Outdoor Landscape in Apartment Complex - Focused on the Enactment and Revision of laws and Regulations -

  • 투고 : 2003.03.06
  • 발행 : 2003.04.28


This research traces the history of legislative matters regarding the enactment and revision of laws and regulations related to the outdoor landscape in apartment complex. The years before 1976 can be classified as 'a period of darkness' for the landscape in apartment complex due to absence of landscape legislation. From the year of 1977 when the landscape planting and mere necessities were carried out according to the local administration's building standard to the year of 1990 can be classified as 'a period of quickening'. The year of after 1991 when the enactment of the code#32 called "the green space in site" in the "Korea Building Code" and the "Korea Housing Standard & Regulation" was made, and various construction regulations and provisions were revised in order to improve the scantiness of the apartment complex and its environment should be called 'a period of development'.
