소인수분해정리와 유클리드의 원론

  • 강윤수 (순천대학교 수학교육과)
  • Published : 2004.02.01


In this paper, we identify the essential ideas of Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic(FTA). Then, we compare these ideas with several theorems of Euclid's Elements to investigate whether the essential ideas of FTA are contained in Elements or not. From this, we have the following conclusion: Even though Elements doesn't contain FTA explicitly, it contains all of the essential ideas of FTA. Finally, we assert two reasons why Greeks couldn't mention FTA explicitly. First, they oriented geometrically, and so they understood the concept of 'divide' as 'metric'. So they might have difficulty to find the divisor of the given number and the divisor of the divisor continuously. Second, they have limit to use notation in Mathematics. So they couldn't represent the given composite number as multiplication of all of its prime divisors.



  1. 기하학 원론 이무현(역)
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  3. Historia Mathematica v.28 A Historical Survey of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic Agargun;Ozkan
  4. Elementary Number Theory(3rd ed.) Burton,D.M.
  5. Elements of Algebra Euler,L.;John Hewlett(trans.)
  6. Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, Leipzig Gauss,C.F.;A.C.Clarke(Translated into English)
  7. Historia Mathematica v.19 On a Seventeenth Century Version of the 'Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic' Goldstein,C.
  8. Euclid's Elements(2nd ed.) Heath,T.L.
  9. The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements v.2 Heath,T.L.
  10. Historia Mathematica v.2 Euclid and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic Hendy,M.D.
  11. Therie des Nombres(3rd ed.) Legendre,A.M.
  12. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic v.6 no.3 Mathematico-philosophical remarks on new theorems analogous to the fundamental theorem of arithmetic Mullin,A.A.
  13. Archive for History of Exact Sciences v.28 Nombres amiables, parties aliquotes et nombres figures aux $ⅩⅢ^{eme}$ et $ⅩⅣ^{eme}$ siecles Rashed,R.