변분법과 최대.최소 : 역사적 고찰

  • 한찬욱 (서경대학교 수리정보통계학부)
  • Published : 2004.02.01


In this paper we investigate the origin of the variational calculus with respect to the extremal principle. We also study the role the extremal principle has played in the development of the calculus of variations. We deal with Dido's isoperimetric problem, Maupertius's least action principle, brachistochrone problem, geodesics, Johann Bernoulli's principle of virtual work, Plateau's minimal surface and Dirichlet principle.



  1. Schriften v.2 The beginning of research in the calculus of variations Caratheodory,C.
  2. Methods of Mathematical Physics v.1;2 Courant,R.;D.Hilbert
  3. Calculus of Variations Gelfand,I.M.;S.V.Fomin
  4. Calculus of Variations Giaquina,M.;S.Hildebrandt
  5. A History of the Calculus of Variations from the 17th through the 19th Century Goldstine,H.
  6. The Parsimorious Universe Hildebrandt,S.;A.Tromba
  7. Critical Point Theory and Hamiltonian Systems Mawhin,J.;M.Willem
  8. Stories about Maxima and Minima Tikhomirov,V.M.