수학교육에서 수학사적 고찰을 통한 기하학적.대수학적 두 접근 방법의 의의

  • 고상숙 (단국대학교 수학교육과)
  • Published : 2004.02.01


This article dealt with two approaches, algebraic and geometric approaches in terms of Pythagoreans theorem. As mathematics evolves, many theorems had been developed beginning with geometric approaches. However, the algebraic techniques that survive these days are so powerful and generalized in school curriculum. So, if students have more chances to see mathematical properties in geometrical ways, they can experience how beautiful and meaningful they are through the process of the advent of them. Also, it was to try to develop an insight into their applications to other problems.



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  3. 학교수학의 교육적 기초 우정호
  4. 한국수학사학회지 v.15 역사 발생적 원리의 비판적 수용에 대하여 유윤제
  5. Mathematics Teacher v.94 Geometric approaches to quadratic equations from other times and places Allaire,P.R.;Bradley,R.E.
  6. Mathematics in School v.26 Theorem in three moves Baker,R.
  7. Educational Studies in Mathematics v.15 Terence Tao Clements,M.A.
  8. Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times Kline,M.
  9. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
  10. Essays in Humanistic Mathematics Humanistic and utilarian aspect of mathematics Tymoczko,T.;Alvin,M.(ed.)