Juvenile Drinking and Dietary Habit in High School Students

남녀고등학생의 음주실태와 음주에 따른 식습관 비교

  • Published : 2004.02.01


This study was conducted to investigate the drinking status, drinking habit and dietary habit of high school students using anonymous questionnaires. DVS and skipped meal status were obtained by 24 hour recall method. Two hundreds ninety seven of 380 students (78.2%) have experienced the drinking even though 73.7% of them was not addictive. One hundred sixty one students (54.2%) initiated drinking in the middle school, mostly because of ‘peer pressure’ and ‘curiosity’. The most plausible reasons for drinking were ‘for mingling’ and ‘for stress reduction’, and they used to have desire for drinking mostly when felt ‘anger or frustration’ and ‘feel good’. Drinking behavior was significantly different in age of first smoking, drinking history, amount, reason for drinking and desire for drinking between male and female student. There was no significant difference in dietary habits between drinking students and non-drinking students. DVS, skipped meal status, snack preferences and food intake frequency also did not show the significant differences. However, considering that the drinking experience of high school students increased, and drinking experience of female students approached to that of male student, more attention needs to be given to juvenile drinking and its'prevention.



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