실내디자인 표현기법 교육내용 개선에 관한 기초 연구

Fundamental Study on the Improvement of the Educational Contents for the Presentation Technique in Interior Design

  • 이미경 (동양공업전문대학 실내건축과)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


The subject on presentation technique is the class which helps to develop the capability of sensual and creative acts to the students who major in interior design. It helps to understand plasticity and space through the theory of the light and the object, and to develop the capability which realizes one's idea to the actual and visual formations. It also enable the students to explain their designs to the customers by studying the technique which transfers 2D diagram to 3D presentation. Because of these objectives of the class, the departments which major in interior design in Korea consider the class on presentation technique as one of the mun subjects in basic curriculum. However, most of the textbooks related to the presentation technique published in Korea are in the lack of original characteristics for the field of domestic interior design since they refer to or employ the contents of architectural field by directly translating foreign articles. In addition, most of the classes on the presentation technique are taught not by professors but by lecturers so that the class objectives may be varied by their standards for the class. Therefore, it is not easy for each department to set up the one's own characteristics in the field of presentation technique. This study is to analyze the problems in the subjects of presentation technique by investigating the current situations for the subjects on presentation technique in domestic colleges and by surveying the personnels engaged in the field of domestic interior design. Also, the study has the objective to propose the development plan of educational program for the presentation technique in order to enable the student to effectively work in real business.



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