노인주거시설 공용공간의 실내색채 사례연구 - 미국 캘리포니아 콘트라 코스타군의 노인주거시설을 중심으로 -

A Case Study on the Interior Color Characteristics for Common Spaces in Elderly Housing - Special Reference to Elderly Housing In Contra Costa County, California, U.S.A -

  • 오혜경 (경희대학교 주거환경전공) ;
  • 박민진 (경희대학교 대학원 주거환경전공) ;
  • 이지현 (경희대학교 대학원 주거환경전공)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


The purpose of this study is to analyze the interior color characteristics of elderly housing facilities in U. S. A. For this purpose, a field survey was conducted between July 23 and July 31, 2003, visiting 10 elderly housing facilities in Contra Costa County, California. A three step analysis of the facilities involved. First, floor, walls, ceilings, base boards and doors in common spaces were examined for the color scheme using the "Pantone for Fashion and Home Color Guide" for each room. Measured Pantone numbers were converted to RGB color using "Chooser 3.0 of Pantone, Inc." Finally, the conversions were recorded as Munsell numbers. The results are as follows: First, the colors chosen for American elderly housing are high value and low chromatic colors. In many facilities, analogue colors such as BG, B, BP and Y, YR R, RP are used. Second, the colors of ceiling and wall are mainly very bright and low chromatic colors. The colors of floor are undertaking an Important role by generating major atmosphere in the America elderly housing. Third, the colors used for elderly housing are found inter-related. For example, the main color in the lobby is also used from corridor to stair and used again from lounge to dinning room as a secondary color. Fourth, it is found that accent colors are used at the beginning and end of stair and corridor outskirts in consideration of physical condition of elderly people. Fifth, there is no difference in color selection between elderly housing with low and high rental value. Preferably, more versatile colors are being chosen for elderly housing with the low rental value.he low rental value.



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