- 洪廷命 誌石 李得臣(撰);姜世晃(書)
- 南陽洪氏湖隱公派譜 v.3冊 南陽洪氏湖隱公派宗中會(編)
- 豹菴遺稿. 影印本 姜世晃
- 豹菴 姜世晃의 詩書書評. 韓國書藝史特別展 23 安輝濬(等編)
- 豹菴 姜世晃 繪書硏究 변영섭
- 正祖實錄 影印本 春秋館(編)
- 朝鮮時代 誌石의 性格과 變遷 裵永東
- 崇禎 甲午年銘 李齊說 誌石 鄭劑奎;金貞熙
This study is a physical and textual analysis on an epigraph, the Stone Epitaph of Hong Jeong-Myeong(홍정명 지석). This was edited by Lee Deuk-Sin and transcribed by Gang Se-Hwang. On the view of physical point the Stone Epitagh is made of black stone and its size is 27.8∼28.2cm high, 20.3∼20.7cm wide, and 2.0∼3.6cm thick. On the view of textual point, the text of Stone Epitaph is about the career of Hong Jeong-Myeong, and the printed style of writing is by depressed engraving on 8 black stone plane.