Effect of Nutrient Composition and Air Regulation on Bulking in the Activated Sludge Process

활성오니공법에서 영양염류 조성비와 공기조절이 팽화발생에 미치는 영향

  • 이장훈 (호서대학교 환경ㆍ안전공학부 환경공학) ;
  • 권혁구 (호서대학교 환경ㆍ안전공학부 환경공) ;
  • 강병곤 (호서대학교 환경ㆍ안전공학부 환경공) ;
  • 정준오 (호서대학교 환경ㆍ안전공학부 환경공학)
  • Published : 2004.03.01


The change in filamentous bacteria appearance was observed by adjusting factors such as organic and nurient concentration of feed wastewater and the aeration rate in the reactor. In case that COD:N:P and DO were 100:10:1 and 6.1 m1/1 respectively, the mean SVI was 122 ml/g and the filaments were developed normally in flocs. For the low DO con- dition, however, the SVI averaged 186 ml/g and the appearance of outgrowing filaments were more frequent. When the high organic was supplied into the reactor, the average SVI was 274 ml/g and the distinct filamentous bulking was observed. Meanwhile when COD:N:P was maintained at 100: 1 :0.5, the SVI was as low as 87 ml/g and the appearance of filaments were minimal and the size of flocs was small comparing other experimental conditions. For normal, low aeration and high organic concentration, predominant filaments in the early stage of experiments were commonly Type 021N,S. natans which were usually found in low DO condition. However, Type 041, Type 1851, Type 0961 became predominant as experiments extended. Meanwhile, in low nutrient condition, Type 0675, Type 1851, and Type 0961 were observed. The filamentous bacteria appearance for SVI< 150(ml/g), Type 0041, Type 0961 (usually low organic in feed wastewater) were predominantly observed and SVI > 150(ml/g), S. natans and Type 021N(usually low DO in aeration basin) was predominant.



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