Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education (한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육)
- Volume 23 Issue 2
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- Pages.93-100
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- 2004
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- 1598-3099(pISSN)
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- 2733-8436(eISSN)
Developing Achievement Standards, Assessment Standards, and Assessment Tools for "Intelligent Life" Course of Elementary School
초등학교 "슬기로운 생활" 교과를 위한 성취기준, 평가기준 및 평가도구 개발
To get an appropriate and meaningful performance assessment outcomes and to provide the base of essential elementary educational evaluations, we had tried to establish achievement standards, assessment standards and had developed appropriate assessment tools in 「Intelligent Life」 course of the elementary school in this study. The following things were taken into account to establish achievement standards, assessment standards and to develop assessment tools. First, managing deeply not only cognitive domain but also the basic inquiry skills and affective domain, all-round educational properties of integrated courses were likely to come out. Second, evaluating instructional processes as well as instructional results, we had developed assessment standards in elementary 2nd grade's 「Intelligent Life」 course. Third, developing assessment standards on the basis of the 7th Curriculum, we had examined both text book and teacher's guide to promote effectiveness of field application. The type of an assessment tools had been developed variously, considering the characteristics of the elementary lower grades and properties of elementary 2nd grade's 「Intelligent Life」 course. We had developed assessment tools to observe and evaluate practical achievement levels, placing great importance on the types of an assessment tools including observing, narrative of inquiry, report, etc. As a result of investigation of elementary teachers' understandings of the developed achievement standards, assessment standards, and an assessment tools, were revealed in the affirmative on the whole.
- achievement standards;
- assessment standards;
- assessment tools;
- elementary $\ulcorner$Intelligent Life$\lrcorner$ course