Isolation of Trp, Thr Overproducing Strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Trp, Thr Analogue 복합 저항성 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 균주 개발

  • Published : 2004.07.01


To isolate a mutant which overproduces threonine and tryptophan, mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were screened after UV and EMS mutagenesis. Hydroxynorvaline, a Thr analogue was used for selection of a Thr-overproducing mutant after UV mutagenesis. Among 31 mutants, TC 5-1 was selected as the strain candidate, based on amino acid analysis. TC 5-1 was then treated by EMS mutagenesis for Trp overproduction. Eight mutants were selected using fluorotryptophan for Thr and Trp overproducing strains. Amino acid analysis results showed that TC 6-1 was the best strain since it had the highest amount of Thr and Trp among mutants.

Thr, Trp을 overproduce하는 효모 균주를 분리하기 위하여 Sacchromyces cerevisiae를 UV와 EMS로 mutagenesis한 후 screen하였다. Thr analogue인 hydroxynorvaline이 UV mutagenesis 후 Thr overproducing 하기 위해 사용되었다. 31 mutant 중 아미노산 분석 결과에 의해 TC 5-1이 선정되었고 다시 Trp overproducing 위해 EMS mutagenesis 하였다. 8개의 mutant가 flurotryptophan을 이용하여 Thr, Trp을 overproduce하는 mutant로 선정되었다. 아미노산결과에 의해 그 중 TC 6-1이 최종 효모 균주로 선정되었다.



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