자원봉사 활동 참여여부에 따른 기혼여성의 특성비교 - 인구사회학적, 심리사회적, 가족환경변인을 중심으로 -

The Comparision of Characteristics between the Married Women Participating Voluntary Activities and those not Participating Voluntary Activities - in terms of the Demographic, Psycosocial and Family Related Variables -

  • 김혜경 (천안대학교 사회복지학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


This study was intended to find out the differences of characteristics between the married women who were participating in the voluntary activities and those who were not. Based on the review of various theories on the volunteerism, the three variable groups - demographic, psychosocial and family related- were identified as the possible factors which differentiate the characteristics of those two groups. The results were as follows 1) Significant group differences were found in the age, the last child's age, education, income, sense of health, religion, the degree of religious activities, leisure satisfaction and type of leisures. 2) Married women participating in the voluntary activities showed more sociable, higher sense of responsibility to the society and more distinct feeling of social identity. 3) Family -related variables such as family function, type of family, the degree of socialization in the family and experiences and quality of contact with successful volunteers were found to be closely related to the married women's participation in the voluntary activities.



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