건강가족을 위한 가족의 기능과 특성에 관한 성인의 인식

Adults′ Perceptions of Family Functions and Qualities Needed for Strong Families

  • 유계숙 (경희대학교 생활과학대학 생활과학부 아동가족전공)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


This study analyzed Korean adults' perceptions of family functions and qualities needed for strong families. The sample consisted of 806 adults living in Seoul. Among different family functions, love and emotional support were considered the most important for family strength, while religion and consumption as family functions were not perceived as important. The surveyed adults thought that the function of socialization was the most essential among the family functions according to Murdock's(1949) theory, which were, sexual, reproductive, socialization, and economic functions. They responded that the most needed qualities for strong families were commitment, followed by appreciation and affection, positive communication, ability to cope with stress and crisis, enjoyable time together, and spiritual wellbeing. Adults' perceptions of family functions needed for strong families explained 27% of the variance in perceptions of qualities needed for family strengths. Finally, this study provides recommendations for future research.



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