′가사노동 전담자′인 전업주부에게 취업은 대안인가 아닌가\ulcorner

A Qualitative Study on the Full-Time Housewife′s Employment

  • 김선미 (광주대학교 사회복지학부 가족복지전공)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


This ethnographic case-study explores the interpretation and behavior in job considering among full-time housewives. The participants of this study are eleven middle class full-time housewives in their thirties and forties. In-depth interviews based on an unstructured Questionnaire were conducted for this study. Findings are as follows: Six full-time housewives tend to think their full-time housewife-lives more convenient, something unable to substitute and more profitable compared to the counter partner's lives. But they are classified into two groups according to the satisfaction for full-time housewife life. One group has found out more positive meaning in their life but the other group has not yet and they are doubtful about real life and other opportunity. In Contrast, other five full-time housewives tend to interpret employment as a more productive source to secure family resource for their children's education and repay the loan used to buy larger apartment. And the job is considered to confirm her own individuality and the feeling for the social entity as a competent social entity. But two of them who have never been employed do not try to get a job as a new identity alternative. And the various elements like household income, job experience, health, children's age and husband's attitude to his wife's employment etc. are defined to influence the interpretation and the job considering behavior among full-time housewives.



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