Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association (한국의상디자인학회지)
- Volume 6 Issue 3
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- Pages.123-138
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- 2004
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- 1229-7240(pISSN)
A Study on the Surrealism Expressed in Fashion Illustrations
패션일러스트레이션에 나타난 초현실주의 표현에 관한 연구
The objective of this study is to review the expressive effect of fashion illustrations and to enlarge its expressive range by analysing the correlations between fashion illustrations and surrealistic expressive characteristics. The results are as follows. The surrealistic expressive methods of fashion illustration such as depaysement and automatism have been used by many foreign and domestic fashion illustrators. I think that these methods reinforce the subjective aspect of expressive effects and enlarge the transmitting function of fashion message. The elements of expression are divided into color, texture, shape/form and space. Subjective colors rather than natural colors are used for the surrealistic expressive effect of color in fashion illustrations, and illusion of space is expressed by the change of brightness. The surrealistic expressive effect in fashion illustrations distorted the experience of factual texture and disturbed the visual texture. The use of tactile texture presented strange effects perspectively. The objects of shape in fashion illustrations were mainly human body. The form of human body presents reconstituted and reinterpreted figure by transformation or distortion according to the intention of the artist rather than realistic and physical form. In fashion illustration, the transformation of the human body itself whose body parts get separated, superposition of exterior material and human body, and the distortion of human body by the change are done. Space is where background and shapes are inter-penetrated because they are ambiguous and untransparent, and where all are in disorder and unbalance. The method of projection uses distance perspective, multiple perspective and amplified perspective representation, and forms a psychological space feeling. And I think the use of surrealistic expressive methods are very useful for the subjective sensitiveness and the transmission of a fashion message, and presents a possibility to develop a new expressive method.