Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
- Volume 11 Issue 1
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- Pages.81-89
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- 2004
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- 2384-1079(pISSN)
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- 2384-1087(eISSN)
Deep Neck Abscesses in Korean Children
소아 심부 경부 농양에 대한 임상적 고찰
- Lee, Dae Hyoung (Department of Pediatrics, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
- Kim, Sun Mi (Seoul Adventist Hospital) ;
- Lee, Jung Hyun (Department of Pediatrics, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
Kim, Jong Hyun
(Department of Pediatrics, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
- Hur, Jae Kyun (Department of Pediatrics, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
Kang, Jin Han
(Department of Pediatrics, The Catholic University of Korea)
- 이대형 (가톨릭대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실) ;
- 김선미 (서울위생병원 소아과) ;
- 이정현 (가톨릭대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실) ;
(가톨릭대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실) ;
- 허재균 (가톨릭대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실) ;
(가톨릭대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실)
- Published : 2004.05.31
Purpose : Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscesses are often distinguishable from other head and neck abscesses on clinical grounds, but these infections can combine and the presentations are similar to one another. Because of the advances of antibiotic therapy, the frequency of the diseases decreased considerably, but recently the incidence of neck abscesses has increased. We sought to describe the clinical presentation of patients with deep neck abscess, and implications on management. Methods : For 10 year periods, 94 cases of charts were reviewed retrospectively, who were diagnosed as neck abscesses aged below 16 years old(between January 1993 to August 2003) in 4 hospitals. Deep neck abscesses were diagnosed by surgical pus drainage, neck CT (homogenous, hypodense area with ring enhancement) and neck sono findings. Results : The annual incidence of deep neck abscess has been increased since 2000. The median age of the patients was 4 years(range, 26 days~15 years); 63% of the patients were younger than 5 years. Abscesses in the submandibular space(34%) were most common, followed by peritonsillar space(29.7%), retropharyngeal space(11.7%), combined(10.8%), parotid space(7.4%) and parapharyngeal space(6.4%). Fever(73.4%), sore throat(37.2%), decreased oral intake(34%) and neck pain(27.7%) were the most common symptoms. In 6 children(6.4%), there was refusal to move neck, in 6(6.4%) headache, and in 4(4.3%) torticollis. Respiratory distress was observed in only 1 patient(2.1%) and stridor in 1 other(2.1%). The most common physical examinations were neck swelling/mass(67%), pharyngitis(46.8%), tonsillitis(36.2 %), and cervical lymphadenopathy(28.7%). Neck stiffness was observed in 4 patients(4.3%). Total 35 organisms were isolated in 33 patients. The most common organisms cultured by patients' blood or pus were S. aureus(34%) and S. pyogenes(28.6%). Most organisms were gram positive, and had sensitivities in vancomycin(96.4%), cefotaxime(88.9%), cephalothin (86.4%), trimethoprime-sulfamethoxazole(83.3%), and clindamycin(77.8%). 77 patients(81.9%) underwent surgery plus antibiotics; 17 patients(18.1%) were treated with antibiotics only. There is no significant differences between two groups. In duration of admission, fever after admission, and antibiotic treatment. Conclusion : The incidence of deep neck abscess has increased recently and the major symptoms have been changed. The incidence of respiratory distress or stridor is decreasing, while the incidence of abnormal head and neck symptoms and signs like headache, neck stiffness, refusal to move neck, or torticollis are increasing. Gram positive organisms are predominant, S. aureus is the most common followed by S. pyogenes. 1st generation cephalosporin has high sensitivity on gram positive organisms. Treatment with surgery plus antibiotics dose not significantly decrease total duration of antibiotic treatment or admission compared to treatment with antibiotics alone.
목 적 : 소아 경부 농양은 항생제의 발달과 더불어 감소하는 질병으로 생각되었으나, 최근 발생 사례들이 다시 증가하고 있다. 이에 저자들은 10년간 경험한 소아 경부 농양 사례들의 발생양상, 임상경과, 항생제 감수성과 치료법을 분석하여 향후 이 질환에 대한 진단과 치료에 도움이 되고자 하였다. 방 법 : 1993년 1월부터 2003년 8월까지 가톨릭의대 성모자애병원, 성빈센트병원, 성가병원, 의정부 성모병원에서 세균배양검사, 경부 CT, 경부 초음파 검사를 통해 경부 농양으로 진단받은 16세 이하 94례의 소아를 대상으로 임상양상, 검사결과, 치료와 예후에 대한 후향적 자료 분석을 하였다. 결 과 : 1) 2000년부터 경부농양의 연간발생이 증가하였다. 2) 연령 분포는 생후 26일에서 15세(중간값 4세), 남녀비는 1 : 1.04이었다. 3) 임상양상은 발열 73.4%(n=69), 인후통 37.2%(n=35), 경구 섭취량 감소 34%(n=32), 목 주위 통증 27.7%(n=26), 연하통 20.2%(n=19)의 순이었다. 이외 에도 경부 운동 거부 6.4%(n=6), 두통 6.4%(n=6), 사경 4.3%(n=4), 천음 2.1%(n=2), 호흡곤란 2.1%(n=2)이 있었다. 4) 이학적 진찰 소견으로는 경부 종괴 67%(n=63), 인두염 46.8%(n=44), 편도염 36.2%(n=34), 경부 림프선종대 28.7%(n=27), 후인두벽 융기 24.5%(n=23)의 순이었으며 경부강직은 4.3%(n=4)에서 있었다. 5) 경부농양의 위치는 하악하 34%(n=32), 편도주위부 29.7%(n=28), 인두 후부 11.7%(n=11), 이하선내 7.4%(n=7), 인두 주위부 6.4%(n=6), 이외 두 곳 이상에서 발생한 경우가 10.8%(n=10)에서 있었다. 6) 33명의 환자 중 농양과 혈액 세균배양검사에서 총 35례의 균주가 동정되었다. S. aureus 34%(n=12), group A beta hemolytic streptococcus 28.64%(n=10), Viridans Streptococci 14.3%(n=5)의 순이었다. 대부분 그람 양성균으로 항생제 감수성 검사결과에서, vancomycin 96.4%, 3세대 cephalosporin에 88.9%, cephalothin에 86.4%, penicillin에 51.7%에서 감수성을 보였으며, 그람 음성군에서는 amikacin에 66.7%, 3세대 cephalosporin에 100% 감수성을 보였다. 7) 총 입원일은