카사 바트요의 조형적 특성과 가우디의 건축적 사고 연구

A Study on Design Characteristics in Casa Battle and Gaudi′s Philosophy of Architecture

  • 김대년 (서원대학교 조형예술학부 건축학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


The purpose of this study is to interpret Gaudi's philosophy of architecture through an analysis of the design characteristics in his remodeling of Casa Battlo. A review of the literature related to Casa Battlo as well as a field study in Barcelona to see the building were made for this study. The conclusions were as follows; Casa Battle is one of the best examples of Gaudi's attempts at creating a surreal atmosphere and should be evaluated in light of the following considerations: 1) Casa Battle as a remodeled house presented its own restrictions to Gaudi that he overcame by introducing characteristic design elements into the remodeling process; 2) the achievement, a perfect sculpture expressing continuity through a gorgeous colour scheme using different materials and design motifs with a dynamic spiral shape, originated from Gaudi's observations of nature and his experiences working in modeling studios; 3) a visualized embodiment of Gaudi's naturalism and functionalism through the impression of perpetual movement and continuity as formative symbols of genesis, life, death, and transmigration of the soul, originated from Gaudi's personal experiences of the early deaths of several close family members; 4) the design is meant to show the same processes of creation used by nature rather than a mere imitation of nature. Gaudi was not only a person dedicated obsessively to his profession as an architect, but also a rationalist fundamentally in the way he operated. It was expected that this study could be employed as a small stimulus to challenge the paradigm of housing remodeling projects -a hot issue in today's Korea- especially in their philosophical aspect.



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