Removal of Heavy Metal Ions in Wastewater Using Zeolite Minerals

제올라이트광물을 이용한 폐수중의 중금속제거

  • 임재석 (인하대학교 공과대학 화학공학과) ;
  • 임굉 (배재대학교 공과대학 신소재공학과)
  • Published : 2004.03.01


All the applications of natural zeolites make use of one or more of their physical and chemical properties: adsorption, ion-exchange and related molecular sieve properties, dehydration and rehydration, and siliceous composition. Accordingly, the applications of zeolite have been carried out in the various aspects because of its large cation exchange capacity and adsorption properties. In this paper, the adsorption effect of heavy metal ions in wastewater on zeolite mineral by batch adsorption process is studied. The amounts of adsorbed ions were variable by original pH and ionic concentration, especially original pH of solution had an important effect on the adsorption. In case of low pH solution, e.g. below 3.0, clinoptilolite adsorbed $Pb^{2+}$ ,$ Cd ^{2+ }$ , $Cu^{2+}$ and $Zn^{ 2+}$ , but mordenite almost did not adsorb except $Pb^{2+}$ . Under the same conditions, these ions were more adsorbed on clinoptilolite than on mordenite mineral. The velocity of adsorption was relatively fast and it was confirmed by shaking test that the equilibrium of adsorption could be attained in about one hour. The species of exchangeable cation of zeolite had an effect on its removing ability and zeolite of the sodium-exchanged type was the best.



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