『횡제내경』 음양오행의론에 나타난 생명관 초탐

A Study On The Life View of The Theory of Yin Yang Wu Xing in The Nei Ching

  • 원종실 (원광대학교 한의전문대학원 한의정보학과) ;
  • 금경수 (원광대학교 한의전문대학원 한의정보학과)
  • Won Jong Sil (Department of Oriental Medical Informatics, Professional Graduate School of Oriental Medicine Wonkwang University) ;
  • Kum Kyung Su (Department of Oriental Medical Informatics, Professional Graduate School of Oriental Medicine Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


In the Nei Ching. the interrelation of Yin and Yang within the human body. based upon a perfect balance and a perfect mutual control. The affinity of Yin and Yang to each other was held to have a decisive influence upon man's health. Perfect harmony between the two primogenial elements meant health. Disharmony or undue preponderance of one element brought disease and death. The interrelation of Yin and Yang in the Nei Ching, had the organic view of the life. The world view of the harmony and balance in Nei Ching shows a unified world view that is symmetrical and in equibrilium in unity and conflict of opposite elements instead of combining with the closely related elements, namely, it is a fact that the life principle of the theory of Yin and Yang in Nei Ching is not the object of the killing and destroying for unity and conflict of opposite elements but the life cycle and life rule for the purpose of achieving the world of harmony, coexistence, and engendering via check and balance as well as confrontation between the opposite elements. In Nei Ching, like this, in the case where all of the antagonistic elements including the antagonism between You and Me, Yin and Yang affirm and tolerate each other, the organic view of the life in which the life of You and Me and the macrocosm is able to be maintained is suggested to the human being at a whole crisis.



  1. 素問王빙注(四部叢刊影印本) 王빙
  2. 靈樞集注(康熙壬子刻本) 張志聰
  3. 黃帝內經靈樞校注語譯 郭靄春
  4. 靈樞經白話解 陳璧충:鄭卓人
  5. 黃帝內經靈樞直譯 洪元植(校譯)
  6. 編注譯解 黃帝內經靈樞 李慶雨
  7. 素問硏究集成 素問硏究集成刊行委員會
  8. 中醫學術史 嚴世芸
  9. 周易與中醫學 楊力
  10. 中國醫易學 鄒學喜;鄒成永
  11. 古代名醫解周易 何少初
  12. 易學哲學史(上中) 朱伯崑
  13. 易學 朱伯崑(主編)
  14. 周易正義 李學勤(主編)
  15. 周易大傳新注 徐志銳
  16. 周易譯註 黃壽祺;張善文
  17. 周易注譯與硏究 陳鼓應;趙建偉
  18. 易傳與道家思想 陳鼓應
  19. 陰陽五行 楊學鵬