울증의 형상의학적 고찰

Study on Depressive Syndrome in Hyungsang Medicine

  • 강경화 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실ㆍ한방바이오연구센터) ;
  • 김인진 (우리한의원) ;
  • 이용태 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실ㆍ한방바이오연구센터)
  • Kang Kyung Hwa (Department of PhysiologyㆍBiomedical Research Center of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
  • Kim In Jin (Taegang Oriental Clinic) ;
  • Lee Yong Tae (Department of PhysiologyㆍBiomedical Research Center of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


From a view point of Hyungsang medicine a study is made on depressive syndromes through 'Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑)' ,'Clinical lectures by Mr. Jeesan(芝山先生 臨床學特講)' and other literature. Depressed energy(?) originally meant the disorder of vital energy in the circulation of nature with the lapse of time. In later, it has been changed to mean the disease of man, especially related to the mind. Depressive syndromes come from the stagnation of the Ki or the abnormal circulation(rising, falling, coming and going), which happens when man cannot adjust oneself to the circumstances due to the disharmony between internal and external conditions. Depressive syndrome easily attacks the following types of persons; Dam type person with excessive Ki and deficient Hyung(形), manly woman, womanly man, Bird type person who shows a great variety of emotion, Turtle type person declined to melancholy, Ki type person apt to be depressive, and Shin type person with upward gush of the fire. It also attacks the persons who have smudgy face with the scar between eyebrows, those whose pulses are mixture of two different kinds and those whose pulses extend on two ranges in Jeesan's diagram. Depressive syndromes recorded in 'Donguibogam' are globus hystericus, chest congestion, gastric discomfort, cough and asthma caused by depressed Ki, abdominal mass, edema, and tympanites. The most effective prescriptions for depressive syndromes are Eajintang(二陳湯), Guibitang(歸脾湯), Hyangsosan(香蘇散), and Gamisachiltang(加味四七湯).



  1. 對譯東醫寶鑑 許浚(著)
  2. 今釋黃帝內經素問 배병철
  3. 東醫生理學 大韓東醫生理學會
  4. 東醫生理病理學會誌 v.16 no.3 形象에 관한 文獻 고찰 백근기;이용태
  5. 芝山先生臨床學特講Ⅲ 大韓傳統韓醫學會
  6. 芝山先生臨床學特講Ⅴ 大韓傳統韓醫學會
  7. 芝山先生臨床學特講Ⅵ 大韓傳統韓醫學會
  8. 東醫生理病理學會誌 v.17 no.2 芝山先生이 主唱한 膽膀胱 용어에 대한 硏究 강경화;백근기;김경철;이용태
  9. 類經 張介賓(著)