- 대한한방내과 학회지 v.16 no.1 치매에 관한 동서의학적 비교 고찰 이동원(외)
- 景岳全書 張介賓
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- 大韓韓方內科學會誌 v.13 no.2 老人性 痴 에 대한 文獻的 考察 金賢兒
- 東醫神經精神科學會誌 v.7 no.1 치매에 對한 文獻的 考察 鄭仁哲;李相龍
- 東醫神經精神科學會誌 v.7 no.1 치매에 對한 文獻的 考察 鄭仁哲(外)
- 동의병리학회지 v.13 no.1 치매의 병리에 대한 동ㆍ서의학적 고찰 강형원(외)
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- 동의정신의학 김지혁;황의완
- J Neurogenet v.12 no.1 Somatic mutation analysis of the APP and Presenilin 1 and 2 genes in Alzheimer`s disease brain Reznik-Wolf H.;Machado J.;Haroutuian V.;DeMacro L.;Walter G. F.;Goldman B.;Davidson M.;Johnston J. A.;Lannfelt L.;Dani S. U.;Friedman E.
- Nat Genet v.11 no.2 The structure of the presenilin 1 (SI82) gene and identification of six novel mutation in early onset AD families Alzheimer's disease collaborative group
- Alzheimer's Disease In Pharmacotherapy; a pathophysiologic approach Andrea Eggert;M. Lynn Crismon;Larry Ereshefsky;Dipiro J. T.(et al. Ed.)
- Neurobiol Aging v.13 no.5 Lack of Alzheimer pathology after beta-amyloid protein injection in rat brain Games D;Khan KM;Soriano FG;Keim PS;Davis DL;Bryant K;Lieberburg I
- Am J Pathol v.142 no.1 Microinjection of synthetic amyloid beta-protein in monkey cerebral cortex fails to produce acute neurotoxicity Podlisny MB;Stephenson DT;Frosch MP;Tolan DR;Lieberburg I;Clemens JA;Selkoe DJ
- Neurobiol Aging v.13 no.5 Implants containing beta-amyloid protein are not neurotoxic to young and old rat brain Clemens JA;Stephenson DT
- 서울대 대학원 학위논문(석사) 아밀로이드 C단 단백질 투여에 의한 생쥐의 인지 기능과 대뇌피질 및 해마의 아세틸콜린의 변화에 대한 연구 최세훈
- 서울대 대학원 학위논문(석사) 아밀로이드 C단 단백질에 의한 신경교세포의 활성과 염증반응에 관한 신경독성연구 라종철
- Neuroreport v.1;9 no.17 C-terminal fragment of amyloid precursor protein inhibits calcium uptake into rat brain microsomes by Mg2+-Ca2+ ATPase Kim HS;Park CH;Suh YH
- FASEB J. v.14 no.11 Carboxyl-terminal fragment of Alzheimer's APP destabilizes calcium homeostasis and renders neuronal cells vulnerable to excitotoxicity Kim HS;Park CH;Cha SH;Lee JH;Lee S;Kim Y;Rah JC;Jeong SJ;Suh YH
- Biol Psychiatry v.1;49 no.3 Effects of nicotine on APP secretion and Abeta- or CT(105)-induced toxicity Seo J;Kim S;Kim H;Park CH;Jeong S;Lee J;Choi SH;Chang K;Rah J;Koo J;Kim E;Suh
- J. Neural Transm Suppl v.58 Roles of A beta and carboxyl terminal peptide fragments of amyloid precursor protein in Alzheimer disease Suh YH;Kim HS;Lee JP;Park CH;Jeong SJ;Kim SS;Rah JC;Seo JH;Kim S
- 동의생리병리학회지 v.17 no.4 원지와 석창포의 혼합추출액의 pCT105로 유도된 신경세포암 세포주에 대한 항치매 효과 이성률;강형원;김상태;류영수
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- 東醫神經精神科學會誌 v.10 no.1 遠志에 의한 腦 星狀細胞로부터 炎症性 細胞活性物質 分泌의 抑制 效果에 關한 硏究 황시영;강형원;유영수
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- Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. Jun v.27 no.3 Cases of Alzheimer's disease due to deletion of exon 9 of the presenilin-1 gene show an unusual but characteristic beta-amyloid pathology known as 'cotton wool' plaques. Mann DM;Takeuchi A;Sato S;Cairns NJ;Lantos PL;Rossor MN;Haltia M;Kalimo H;Iwatsubo T.
- Am J Hum Genet. v.7 The Amyloid Precursor Protein Locus and Very-Late-Onset Alzheimer Disease. Olson JM;Goddard KA;Dudek DM
- Bioessays. v.23 no.8 Presenilin mutations and calcium signaling defects in the nervous and immune systems. Mattson MP;Chan SL;Camandola S
- J Neurol Sci v.15 no.188(1;2) Human wild presenilin-1 mimics the effect of the mutant presenilin-1 on the processing of Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein in PC12D cells Kametani F;Tanaka K;Usami M;Maruyama K;Mori H
- J Biol Chem v.268 no.31 Activation of protein kinase C inhibits cellular production of the amyloid beta-protein Hung A. Y.;Haass C.;Nitsch R. M.;Qiu W. Q.;Citron M.;Wurtman R. J.;Growdan J. H.;Selkoe D. J.
- J Neurosci v.16 no.14 Profound loss of layer II entorhinal cortex neurons occurs in very mild Alzheimer`s disease Gomez-Isla T.;Price J. L.;McKeel D. W.;Jr, Growdon J. H.;Hyman B. T.
- J. Neurochem v.65 no.4 Processing of the beta-amyloid precursor protein and its regulation in Alzheimer's disease Checler F
- J. Neurochem v.64 no.5 Role of cyclic GMP in the regulation of neuronal calcium and survival by secreted forms of beta-amyloid precursor Barger SW;Fiscus RR;Ruth P;Hofmann F;Mattson MP
- Science v.2 no.258(5079) Production of the Alzheimer amyloid beta protein by normal proteolytic processing Shoji M;Glode TE;Ghiso J;Cheung TT;Estus S;Shaffer LM;Cai XD;McKay DM;Tintner R;Frangione B(et al)
- Proc Natl Acad Sci v.15 no.89(4) Identification of a stable fragment of the Alzheimer amyloid precursor containing the beta-protein in brain microvessels Tamaoka A;Kalaria RN;Lieberburg I;Selkoe DJ
- Nature v.24 no.359(6393) Amyloid beta-peptides is produced by cultured cells during normal metabolism Haass C;Schlossmacher MG;Hung AY;Vigo-Pelfrey C;Mellon A;Ostaszewski BL;Lieberburg I;Koo EH;Schenk D;Teplow DB(et al)
- Eur J Biochem v.225 Familial Alzheimer's disease cells abnormal abnormally accumulate beta-amyloid harbouring peptides preferentially in cytosol but not in extracelluar fluid Matsmoto A and Matsumoto R
- Proc Natl Acad Sci v.1 no.90(9) Altered processing of Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein in response to neuronal degeneration Iverfeldt K;Walaas SI;Greengard P
- Proc Natl Acad Sci v.85 no.19 Beta-amyloid precursor protein of Alzheimer disease occurs as 110-to 135-kilodalton membrane-associated proteins in neural and nonneural tissues Selkoe DJ;Podlisny MB;Joachim CL;Vickers EA;Lee g; Fritz LC; Oltersdorf T
- EMBO J v.7 no.4 Identification, transmembrane orientation and biogenesis of the amyloid A4 precursor of Alzheimer's disease Dyrks T;Weidemann A;Multhaup G;Salbaum JM;Lemaire HG;Kang J Muller-Hill B;Masters CL;Beyreuther K
- Nature v.11 no.347(6293) Formation of amyloid-like fibrils in COS cells overexpressing part of the Alzheimer amyloid precursor Maruyama K;Terakado K;Usami M;Yoshikawa K
- Science v.28l245 no.4916 Neurotoxicity of a fragment of the amyloid precursor associated with Alzheimer's disease Yankner BA;Dawes LR;Fisher S;Villa-Komaroff L;Oster-Granite ML;Neve RL
- Biochem Biophys Res Commun v.15 no.182(1) Overexpression of amyloid precursor protein alters its normal processing and is associated with neurotoxicity Fukuchi K;Kamino K;Deeb SS;Smith AC;Dang T;Martin GM
- Brain Res Mol Brain Res v.26 no.1;2 Cytotoxicity mediated by conditional expression of a carboxyl- terminal derivative of the beta-amyloid precursor protein Sopher BL;Fukuchi K;Smith AC;Leppig KA; Furlong CE;Martin GM
- Proc Natl Acad Sci v.15 no.89(22) Deposition of beta/A4 immunoreactivity and neuronal pathology in transgenic mice. expressing the carboxyl-terminal fragment of the Alzheimer amyloid precursor in the brain Kammesheidt A;Boyce FM;Spanoyannis AF;Cummings BJ;Ortegon M;Cotman C;Vaught JL;Neve RL
- Crit Rev Neurobiol v.8 no.4 The neuropathology of the trisomy 16 mouse Lacey-Casem ML;Oster-Granite ML
- Neuroreport v.9 no.17 C-terminal fragment of amyloid precursor protein inhibits calcium uptake into rat brain microsomes by Mg2+-Ca2+ ATPase Kim HS;CH Park; and YH Suh
- 原色臨床本草學 辛民敎
- 大韓本草學會誌 v.12 no.1 遠志의 安神作用에 對한 藥理的 解析의 硏究 李熙