햄릿 공연을 위한 무대의상 디자인(I) - 관객을 통한 인물이미지 분석 -

Stage Costume Design for Performance Hamlet (I) - The Analysis of Actor Image by Spectator -

  • 김순구 (동서대학교 패션디자인학전공) ;
  • 황성원 (동서대학교 디지털디자인대학원)
  • 투고 : 2003.08.11
  • 발행 : 2004.02.29


This study is done to assist in the limit of stage dress design research considering the sense of the times and the sympathy of spectators for actual stage. For the base research, to visualize the image which the spectators are feeling from Shakespeare's Hamlet, the evaluators had to analyze the whole image and color tone of the figures. First of all, 2 clothing for Hamlet, Gertrude and Ophelia had to be designed, and following conclusion has drawn. Hamlet A corresponds with passive looks which is a combination of loneliness, sadness and the unstable mental state of not adapting to and hiding from the reality. Hamlet B has more of matured looks which make Hamlet more free and comfortable from life and death as he overcame a crisis of death. Gertrude A corresponds with the image of coming right out of the funeral of late king. Gertrude B shows more of her sadness as she hears of her son Hamlet's despair and resentment and her maternal return degradation which is a special situations emphasizing her unstable and dizzy image. Ophelia A shows her usual and normal looks of a livelihood and femininity. She congratulates the wedding and coronation, and falls in love with Hamlet which shows a lot of her girlish image. Ophelia B shows dismantled rationality and violated virginity which is a very complex and unstable state showing a completely different image. Based on the above research. It was proposed their clothing through the next study of the characters, and personally make them for 2003 Yeonheedan Street Group's performance Hamlet.



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