Development of Time Management Education Program for Preventing Internet Addiction in College Students

인터넷중독 방지를 위한 시간관리교육프로그램 개발

  • Lee Hyunah (Dep. of Consumer Studies & Resource Management, Seoul National Univ.)
  • Published : 2004.10.01


The overuse of Internet has caused the problem of 'Internet addiction' in the life of college students. The purpose of this study was to develop a program of time management education for preventing Internet addiction among college students. The program consists of sessions. The first session is an introduction to the program which includes a pre-test about Internet addiction. The second session is designed to allow them to check their pattern of Internet use and time use by themselves. The third session is designed to set their tie goals and make long-range plans. The fourth session is designed to make short-range plans and look for alternative activities. The final session is the completion of the program. This study has some significance in developing a time management program for Internet addiction. and will be utilized in practical education.



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