The Effects of computer Games on Children's Spatial Cognitive Skills

컴퓨터 게임이 아동의 공간인지 기술에 미치는 효과

  • Lim Song Mi (Dept. of Child Development & Family Studies, Seoul National Univ.) ;
  • Yi Soon Hyung (Dept. of Child Development & Family Studies, Seoul National Univ.)
  • 임송미 (서울대학교 아동가족학과) ;
  • 이순형 (생활과학연구소 연구원)
  • Published : 2004.10.01


This study was designed to investigated children's spatial cognitive skills as based on their practice with computer games. The sixty children were divided into 3 groups there were twenty children in experimental group 1 (the geometric game experimental group), twenty children in experimental group 2 (the arcade game experimental group), and twenty children in the control group. The sSpatial cognitive skills of the children were assessed according to by visual speed, mental rotation, and spatial visualization tasks. The rResults showed that computer game practice enhanced the children's spatial skills (visual speed, mental rotation and, spatial visualization). The c Children's mental rotation and spatial visualization showed a significant difference with the type of computer game.



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