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- Dong-Geun Oh, 2003,'Complaining Behavior of Public Library Users in South Korea,' Libraryl and Information Science Research, Vol.25, No.1(2003), pp.43-62
- Dong-Geun Oh, 2004,'Complaining Behavior of Academic Library Users in South Korea,' The Journal. of Acadermic Librarianship, Vol.30. No.2pp.136-144. 등
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- Dong-Geun Oh, 'Complaining Behavior of Academic Library Users in South Korea,' The Journal. of Acadermic Librarianship, Vol.30. No.2(2004). pp.136-144. 등
- Dong-Geun Oh, 'Complaining Behavior of Academic Library Users in South Korea,' The Journal. of Acadermic Librarianship, Vol.30. No.2(2004). pp.136-144. 등).