Qualitative Study on Emotion Aspect Experiencing When Consumers are Purchasing Clothing Through T.V Home-Shopping

T.V홈쇼핑 의류제품(衣類製品) 구매(購買)시 경험(經驗)하는 감정적(感情的) 측면(側面)에 관(關)한 질적연구(質的硏究)

  • Cha, In-Suk (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Pusan National University) ;
  • Lee, Kyoung-Hee (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Pusan National University)
  • Published : 2004.02.28


The purpose of this study is to explore emotion aspects of consumers purchasing clothing through cable television home shopping. Qualitative research method is used to widely understand how emotion aspects of consumers have effected on their purchasing behavior. The results of depth interviews may be classified into 13 feelings factors satisfaction, pleasure/delight, respect, attraction, fresh, convenience, unburdened, emptiness, displeasure/temper, anxiety, tedious, distrust, regret. The content of information acquiring from the process of clothing purchase decision making is analysed. In the problem recognition stage, purchase motivation were physical space (around people) and imaginary space(by how clothing goods are introduced to consumers thorough TV monitor). In the information search stage, purchasing action patterns to search information were situational pattern and habitual pattern. In alternative evaluation stage, the considering best important factors to choice clothes were quality, price, design, and color. In purchase stage, consumers said they felt anxiety, because of characteristics of purchase way that they should pay first and then received the ordered goods a fews days later. In post-purchase behavior stage, if consumers satisfied goods purchased through TV home shopping, they recommended it to around others, but unsatisfied with ordered goods, they tried to refund, exchange with anther one, or write it on homepage of the home shopping company.



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