The Comparative Analysis of Optimization Methods for the Parameter Calibration of Rainfall-Runoff Models

강우-유출모형의 매개변수 보정을 위한 최적화 기법의 비교분석

  • 김선주 (건국대학교 생명환경과학대학) ;
  • 지용근 (건국대학교 대학원) ;
  • 김필식 (건국대학교 생명환경과학대학)
  • Published : 2005.05.01


The conceptual rainfall-runoff models are used to predict complex hydrological effects of a basin. However, to obtain reliable results, there are some difficulties and problems in choosing optimum model, calibrating, and verifying the chosen model suitable for hydrological characteristics of the basin. In this study, Genetic Algorithm and SCE-UA method as global optimization methods were applied to compare the each optimization technique and to analyze the application for the rainfall-runoff models. Modified TANK model that is used to calculate outflow for watershed management and reservoir operation etc. was optimized as a long term rainfall-runoff model. And storage-function model that is used to predict real-time flood using historical data was optimized as a short term rainfall-runoff model. The optimized models were applied to simulate runoff on Pyeongchang-river watershed and Bocheong-stream watershed in 2001 and 2002. In the historical data study, the Genetic Algorithm and the SCE-UA method showed consistently good results considering statistical values compared with observed data.



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Cited by

  1. Evaluation of the Tank Model Optimized Parameter for Watershed Modeling vol.56, pp.4, 2014,