The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
- Volume 17 Issue 4
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- Pages.505-517
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- 2005
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- 1229-0475(pISSN)
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- 2287-156X(eISSN)
Sasang Constitution Classification related to an aspect of distribution GCM(General Coordinative Manipulation) Body Type and Experimental Study based on the character of Static Posture and Dynamic Hyper/Hypo-mobility Pattern
사상의학의 4체질 분류에 따른 각 체질별 전신조정술 체형분포 양상과 그에 따른 정적 자세특성 및 동적 운동증감 양상에 관한 실증적 연구
- Moon, Sang-Eon (Department of Physical Therapy, Masan College) ;
- Joe, Hyun-Rae (Department of Physical Therapy, Masan College) ;
- Oh, Chang-Sun (Oh-Chang-Sun Oriental Clinic.Sung-Jin Oriental Clinic) ;
- Kim, Sung-Hyun (Oh-Chang-Sun Oriental Clinic.Sung-Jin Oriental Clinic)
- Published : 2005.12.24
The Purposes of this study were to find complementary connectible new factors that analyzed correlation relate of Sasang Constitution and GCM Body Type in Static Posture and Dynamic Hyper/Hypo-mobility Pattern. Method of this study was asymtomatic volunteers 232(unmarried man and women), conducted from September 1 to December 31. In this main study progressing step diagnosised first, Constitution of Sasang medicine after being classified into four groups of Soyangin, Taeumin, Soeumin, Taeyangin diagnosis of GCM Body Type and progressed that related Static Posture and Dynamic Hyper/Hypo mobility Pattern. The results are as follows. Distribution of Sasang Medicine Constitution proved to be Taeyangin 13, Soyangin 66, Taeumin 67, Soeumin 86 respectively. Distribution of GCM Body Type proved I Body Type 72(31.0%), II Body Type 54(23.3%), III Body Type 89(38.4%), IV Body Type 17(7.3%). The distribution of Sasang Constitution according to GCM Body Type was that; I Body Type was distributed in the order Soeumin 34.7%(25), Taeumin 31.9%(23), Soyangin 30.6%(22), Soeumin 34.7%(25) is the most people. II Body Type was distribution of in the order Soeumin 42.6%(23), Soyangin 5.9%(14), Taeumin 24.1%(13), Soeumin 42.6%(23) is the most people. III Body Type was distribution of in the order Soeumin 37.1%(33), Taeumin 30.3%(27), Soyangin 28.1%(25), Soeumin 37.1% is the most people. IV Body Type proved high distribution each of Soeumin 29.4%(5) and Soyangin 29.4%(5). In case of main left side posture character of spine and limbs about I Body Type 72 persons with left scapular and ilium forward tilted pattern proved in the order high distribution iliac crest thigh and scapular high 70(97.2%), gluteal fold high and scapular abduction 69(95.8%), lumbar scoliosis 65(90.3%). Also, in case of right side posture character proved in the order high distribution deep gluteal fold 69(95.8%), umbilical deviation 68(94.4%). Incase of main left side posture character of spine and limbs about n Body Type 54 persons proved in the: order high distribution knee hyperextension 50(92.6%), shoulder deviation 49(90.7%) etc. Also, in case of right side posture character proved in the order high distribution pelvic deviation 53(98.1%), iliac crest thigh 52(96.3%), hip flexion and ankle inversion 51(94.4%) etc. In case of main left side posture character of spine and limbs about III Body Type 89 persons proved in the order high distribution shoulder deviation 87(97.8%), scapular abduction 86(96.6%), scapular high 85(95.5%) etc. And in case of right side posture character proved in the order high distribution pelvic deviation and iliac crest thigh 86(96.6%) etc. In case of main left side posture character of spine and limbs about IV Body Type 17 persons proved in the order high distribution pelvic deviation, lumbar sciliosis and lumbar lordosis increase 15(88.2%) etc. Also, in case of right side posture character proved in the order high distribution wrist dorsiflexion 16(94.1%), thickened achilles tendon etc.