갑상선중독유발 흰쥐에 미치는 팔미소요산가미방(八味消遙散加味方)과 계부탕(桂附湯)및 보간양제(補肝陽劑)의 영향 비교 연구

A Comparative Study on the Etfects of 『Palmisoyo-San gamibang』, 『Gyebu-Tang』 and 『Boganyangje』 on the Thyrotoxicosis of Rats

  • 이연성 (세명대학교 한의과대학 진단학교실) ;
  • 소경순 (세명대학교 한의과대학 예방한의학교실) ;
  • 정찬길 (세명대학교 한의과대학 진단학교실)
  • Lee, Yeun-Seong (Department of Oriental Diagnostics, College of Oriental Medicine, Semyung University) ;
  • Soh, Kyeong-Sun (Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Semyung University) ;
  • Jeong, Chan-Gil (Department of Oriental Diagnostics, College of Oriental Medicine, Semyung University)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.30


In order to study comparatively the effects of "Palmisoyo-San gamibang(八味消遙散加味方)"(AP), "Gyebu-Tang(桂附湯)"(GT) and "Boganyangje(補肝陽劑)" (BG) on the thyrotoxicosis rats, we have made thyrotoxicosis rat model by administration sodium levothyroxine p.o. during 4 days(Control group), and have administered solid extract of AP(236.8mg/200g/day : Sample I group), GT(80mg/200g/day : Sample II group) and BG(70.4mg/200g/day : Sample III group) p.o. to thyrotoxicosis rats during 3 days from 3rd day. We measured the body weight(BW), body temperature(BT), levels of Serum $T_3{\cdot}T_4{\cdot}free\;T_3{\cdot}free\;T_4$ and TSH after administrating solid extract of AP, GT and BG. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Sample I group showed significantly high increasing rate compared with Control, Sample II and Sample III group, but it showed significantly lower levels of BT, $T_4$ and free $T_4$ than those of Control, Sample II and Sample III. group. 2. We could know that AP suppress the alteration of $T_4$ to $T_3$. 3. Sample II and Sample III group showed opposite results to Sample I group in the BW., BT, $T_4$ and free $T_4$ Especially Sample III was significantly higher than Control, Sample I and Sample II, so we could guess that BG stimulates the formation of thyroid hormones. According to the above experimental results, "Palmisoyo-San\;gamibang(八味消遙散加味方)" is assumed to have a curative effect against the thyrotoxicosis rat induced by sodium levothyroxine, and to suppress the alteration of $T_4$ to $T_3$. And we can suppose that "Boganyangje(補肝陽劑)" has a curative effect against the hypothyroidism.



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