비선형매핑 기반 뇌-기계 인터페이스를 위한 신경신호 spike train 디코딩 방법

Neuronal Spike Train Decoding Methods for the Brain-Machine Interface Using Nonlinear Mapping

  • 발행 : 2005.07.01


Brain-machine interface (BMI) based on neuronal spike trains is regarded as one of the most promising means to restore basic body functions of severely paralyzed patients. The spike train decoding algorithm, which extracts underlying information of neuronal signals, is essential for the BMI. Previous studies report that a linear filter is effective for this purpose and there is no noteworthy gain from the use of nonlinear mapping algorithms, in spite of the fact that neuronal encoding process is obviously nonlinear. We designed several decoding algorithms based on the linear filter, and two nonlinear mapping algorithms using multilayer perceptron (MLP) and support vector machine regression (SVR), and show that the nonlinear algorithms are superior in general. The MLP often showed unsatisfactory performance especially when it is carelessly trained. The nonlinear SVR showed the highest performance. This may be due to the superiority of the SVR in training and generalization. The advantage of using nonlinear algorithms were more profound for the cases when there are false-positive/negative errors in spike trains.



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