The Relation of Cell Scale and Call Connection Level for the VBR Trafac in the Wireless ATM Access Transport

무선 ATM 액세스 전달구조에서 VBR 트래픽에 대한 셀 스케일과 호 접속레벨간의 관계

  • Published : 2005.09.01


In this paper it is focused on the relation between CLR(Cell Loss Ratio) and blocking probability in the wireless ATM access transport. Traffic model of wireless ATH access transport is based on the cell scale, burst scale and call connection level. The CLR due to buffer overflow for wireless access node is derived for VBR traffic. The CLR due to transmission errors for wireless channel is derived. Using the CLR for both access node and wireless channel: the CLR of wireless ATM access transport is derived. The relation between CLR and blocking probability is analyzed for VBR traffic to evaluate performance of wireless ATM access transport.



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